Bibliothek 2.0 bringt Nutzer und Bibliothek zusammen

Ein paar diskussionswürdige Gedanken zur Zukunft der Bibliotheken macht sich die Bibliothekarin Laura B. Cohen (University at Albany) in ihrem Artikel «The Ideal Library 2.0 Academic Library Web Site»:

The technologies exist to make library sites a joint venture, in which librarians and their constituencies work together to create an online presence that hears voices from both sides of the fence. In a way, this type of site would remove most of the fence.

I’ll admit this vision can be scary. I’ve been a library Webmaster for a decade and I can see why. There are risks and potential problems inherent in opening things up. But is this a reason not to try?

… weiterlesen in ihrem Blog «Library 2.0: An Academic’s Perspective».

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