Home Taping is Killing Music

Direktlink YouTube

Leute, hört endlich auf Eure Musikkassetten aufzunehmen. Ihr macht doch die ganze Musikindustrie kaputt.

Musician Dan Bull, whose letters to Lily Allen and Lord Mandelson both become huge hits on YouTube, has penned another ditty; this time about the music industry’s consistent refusal to accept or adapt to new technology, from the gramophone to the jukebox to commercial radio to the internet. His song, and accompanying video courtesy of TalkTalk, focuses on the most famous campaign, the ill-judged 80s classic; Home Taping is Killing Music.

Auf der Youtube-Seite der Kampagne Don’t Disconnect Us heißt es weiter:

Please support our campaign against the Digital Economy Bill by visiting http://www.dontdisconnect.us/ and signing our petition at http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/dontdisconnectus/
Lyrics available at http://www.dontdisconnect.us/lyrics/

Home Taping is Killing Music

[via @autopoiet]

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