Online-Community und Bibliotheken

Auf Infotangle gibt es heute einen neuen Blogeintrag ganz im Sinne der auf der Inetbib-Tagung im Web2.0-Workshop diskutierten Möglichkeiten zur Zukunft der Bibliotheken: die Teile III und IV der kleinen Serie «Online Community and Libraries».

The idea of community is not a new one for librarians, but in the digital age of the Web and ubiquitous computing, a fresh perspective is needed. Community is no longer just about gathering in the physical space, i.e. the library building. Community has also become virtual. […]
As librarians we have the chance to participate and interact with our patrons where they “live”. Many of these Web tools also offer great potential for us to market our library and services and drive traffic back to our website. We should seek out these opportunities and make the most of them. Most importantly, we should become users ourselves. Librarians need to become as ubiquitous and pervasive as computing, sharing the same ability to pass through walls and knock down barriers.

Eine große Chance, die Leser und Nutzer von Bibliotheken dort abzuholen, wo sie sind, und nicht zu predigen, sie sollen dahin kommen, wo die Bibliothek ist. Wie ich finde, ein guter Ansatz.

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