From libraries to ‘libratories’

first monday
Hochinteressanter Artikel über die spannenden Herausforderungen an Bibliotheken im Zeitalter des Internets: «From libraries to ‘libratories’» von Leo Waaijers, erschienen in der neuen Ausgabe der Monatsschrift «first monday»:

While the eighties of the last century were a time of local automation for libraries and the nineties the decade in which libraries embraced the Internet and the Web, now is the age in which the big search engines and institutional repositories are gaining a firm footing. This heralds a new era in both the evolution of scholarly communication and its agencies themselves, i.e. the libraries.
In general, the new academic search engines materialise a form of mass customization of knowledge. In the future the application of emerging semantic web techniques may further improve the precision of their search results.

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[via IB Weblog]

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