Wird Klinsmann zum Clean’sman?

Jürgen Klinsmann steht offenbar kurz vor der Zusage das Amt des Trainers der us-amerikanischen Fussball-Nationalmannschaft zu übernehmen.

Die New York Times zitiert ihn mit den Worten:

„Absolutely I’m interested,“ Klinsmann, who led his native Germany to the World Cup semifinals this summer, said in a telephone interview from his home in Southern California. „I kind of needed some time to reflect after the World Cup. I’ve been in touch with Sunil and had several conversations, all very positive. Right now, I’m trying to do my homework, talking to people to find out more about how things work in the U.S.“

Weiter bei der NYT: «Klinsmann Says He’s Open to Coaching U.S. National Team»

[via netzeitung]

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