Soziale Software: Chance für Bibliotheken?

Warum bietet ein System wie «Social Software» (gemeinschaftliche Verschlagwortung bei Diensten wie flickr oder eine große Chance für Bibliotheken? Argumente Pro und Contra finden sich im Blogeintrag «Social Tagging for Library Science» und den dortigen Kommentaren von Denis Saulnier (Harvard Business School):

Popularized by sites such as, which offers users the ability to share their web bookmarks by labeling them with a personalized set of descriptor “tags”, and Flickr, which allows users to share and find photos via tagging, this phenomenon is part of a larger “social software” movement that empowers users to organize information via a bottom-up “folksonomy”. That’s fine for bookmarks and photos, but could this type of social tagging allow users to organize library content? And if so, why would libraries sanction such a system?

[via netbib]

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